Friday 27 May 2016

LO5 Final Photos

The reason in why I chose to produce this photograph in black and white with a vibrant coloured basketball is because I wanted to create a main focal point within my photograph. Also I believe that the colour helps capture the motion of the basketball bouncing almost as if it is the only sense of life within the monochrome environment.

The main thing I have tried to do within this picture is try and capture the environment in the best way I possibly can. The reason why I have tried to do this is because I think the motion within the picture is best captured with these colours, this is because the tone of this filter creates suspense in a sense when looking at the photograph, because you wonder what he could be doing next.

As you can see what I have tried to do with these two edited shots is make the main focal point the basketball, whilst lowering the contract and brightness and converting the background to black and white. the reason why I have done this is because I believe that it is a more eye catching way of gaining the attention of the audience. Another thing I have chosen to do is use the sports photography feature on the Canon camera, this is because I believe the image will feel more realistic if it was in motion.

Within this picture I am still trying to make the viewers feel a type of emotion when viewing my photograph. The way in which I am trying to capture a feeling or emotion is through the colours and visuals I have used within my photography. The reason why I decided to mirror the image using an using an optical illusion type pattern was due to the fact that for this piece I was inspired by the theme of a kaleidoscope. This is because I was generally interested in the way shapes and colours are used with kaleidoscopes in terms of emotion, and I wanted to see how it made the audience feel through denotations.

Within this piece I have decided to take advantage of the shadowed areas by giving them colour. The reason why I decided to give the shadow colour was to add into the effect that an action was taking. The empathises has been placed on the shadow rather than the character himself.

When it comes to the last two photographs I have edited I tried to create a similar theme to both the images. This is due to the fact that I believe I could a lot of various things incorporating the digital graphics I have used within this picture. I also believe that using this editing technique helps build into the effect that the model is in motion within the photograph, it helps gains the audiences attention and builds into a photograph that carries suspense within the pictures.

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