Friday 13 May 2016

LO3 Unedited images

Here are the unedited images the photographs I have taken using the sports photography feature on the camera to capture in motion images of my model.I also tried using the manual settings on the camera but I believe that the fast shutter speed on the sports photography feature makes for a better picture.

 I believe that using the sports photography feature on the camera to capture a range of moving pictures was a creative means of producing a sports photography scene, this is because you're able to see the transition from picture to picture giving you the effect as if you were there in during that time at that exact moment.

With my photographs tken you can see that I have used a high depth of field due to the fact that my models actions will always gain the attention of the viewer first no matter what. I made him the centre of interst so your eyes are automatically drawn into him when you look upon my photograph. Due to my shoot being outside, I have used only natural light for my shoot. I personally believe that this compliments my model more rather than having a studio shoot due to the fact that we are seeing how he looks under natural light which makes the photogrph have more of a natural feel to it.

What I tried to do when taking these photographs was to try and capture the emotion of the models facial expressions whilst he plays basketball, I did this because I wanted to give the audience an idea of how this certain sport makes the individual feel in terms of the excitement he gets when playing basketball.

My photograhy fits into my brief because I am looking into the identity of Salik and by doing that I have come to find out he loves basketball with a passion, so what I have tried to do is show the audience how much Salik loves basketball by just giving them an idea through his interaction with a basketball.

Editing will enchance the meaning behind my photos by allowing me to use different effects which should be able to change the nature of the photo. This means I will be able to change the mood of photo which will have an affect on how the audience view my photogrphy. I believe this will add diversity wthin my photography an allow me to show my target audience all the emotions within each photograph.

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