Friday 16 January 2015

LO1: Martin Parr


Martin Parr is a British photojournalist who's main focus is aimed around documentary photography. Martin Parr is also know for creating photographs that are seen as abstract pieces of photography.  I have come to understand that in his work he begins with finding a primary focal point then from that point he begins to add in colours and effects that compliment the picture in a beautiful way.

How he used the rules of photography

Looking at this picture I have selected from Martin Parr, this is his own personal style of photo editing. You can see that his main focal point is directed at the image of him, this will be the first thing that the audience will see and it will instantly draw them in, this is also noticed by the use of leading lines that lead towards the focal point. The setting of this photograph is a Utopian environment, this is a community or society that possesses a highly desirable or near perfect quality.


The effect that this photograph has on the audience as a whole is that in a sense it relaxes you when you see it, you almost feel tranquil and in your own zone as you look at this photograph due to looking at the vibrant calm and relaxing colours within this image.

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